You have the right to:
- regular review meetings. These are meetings to plan your care and to make sure that everyone is working together in your best interests to make the plan work for you
- be at the whole review and take part in the review - if you are under 12 this will be discussed with you to decide if it would be best for you to attend all of part of the review
- have someone there to support you and help you to prepare for it, for example, a friend, relative or children's rights officer
- see the review reports before the review and have someone go over these with you if you want
- prepare your own report and talk at the review - without your parents being there while you do this, if you want
- say if you disagree with something said at your review and have this written down
- challenge any recommendation made at the review at least every six months
- be consulted before a review date is changed.