Dementia and getting a diagnosis
Dementia is a set of symptoms that over time can affect a person’s ability to remember, think, communicate, plan and make decisions. It can also cause sensory impairment and changes in behaviour and personality. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia.
Learn about the different types of dementia
What is dementia? | Alzheimer's Society
What to do if you have concerns
Contact your GP to discuss your concerns, they will rule out any other potential issues and refer your for further tests if required.
They can also refer you on for a full assessment at the Memory Clinic if needed. A timely diagnosis has many benefits including:
- opportunities to receive Post-Diagnostic Support
- medication if appropriate
- information and help to understand the condition
Talking to your GP about dementia | Alzheimer's Society
Post Diagnostic Support
Dementia is just one thing about a person, it's not everything!
In East Lothian we offer one year’s post diagnostic support for everyone diagnosed with dementia. This support is provided by Alzheimer Scotland’s Dementia Link Workers.
Post diagnostic support (PDS) which will help you to:
- understand the illness and manage your symptoms
- be supported to keep up your community connections and make new ones
- have the chance to meet other people with dementia and their partners and families
- plan for future decision-making
- plan for your future support