Carers rights

Introduction to the Carers Act

Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 (

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 took effect in April 2018. The Act extends and enhances the rights of carers in Scotland to help improve their health and wellbeing so they can continue to care, if they so wish, and have a life alongside caring

Carers rights are discussed fully in the Carers Charter.

As a carer you have the right to:

  • Access local information and advice
  • Support to complete an ACSP
  • To access support if your needs meet eligibility criteria for Carers in East Lothian
  • To be involved in care planning for the person you care for
  • To be involved in the hospital discharge process
  • To be involved in the planning of any carer services

MECCOP have produced three leaflets for carers explaining what the implementation of the Carers Act 2016 means for carers, and the new rights that they are now entitled to under the Act.

The leaflets are available in English, Chinese and Urdu.

MECCOP website


Introduction to the Carers Leave Act

The Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 (

Unpaid carers play a crucial role in supporting their loved ones, often sacrificing their own well-being and work commitments. The Carers Leave Act recognises carers contribution and provides them with the necessary time off to fulfill their caring responsibilities.

The Carers Leave Act provides essential employment rights to unpaid carers in Scotland. Here are the key points:

  1. Eligibility: The act covers employees who have unpaid caring responsibilities.

  2. Leave Entitlement: Eligible employees are entitled to one week of unpaid leave per year. This leave can be taken flexibly, either in half or full days, to accommodate planned and foreseen caring commitments.

  3. Purpose: The leave is specifically for those providing or arranging care for someone with a long-term care need.

For more information please vist The Carer's Leave Act 2023 | Carers UK and Unpaid carer’s leave - GOV.UK (


Carers rights and support - what to expect

The Coalition of Carers in Scotland provide a range of informative guides available to download as a PDF.