SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) runs Floodline, the recorded telephone and website service that provides information on the latest risk of river and coastal flooding in Scotland.
The Floodline number is 0845 988 1188 and callers to that number can hear Flood Alerts or Warnings in force for their area, warning them when potential flooding is forecast, as well as general advice on how to prepare for, or cope with flooding.
You can also sign up to the Floodline service, so when SEPA issues a Flood Alert or Warning for your area you can receive it direct to your phone via text or voicemail message, giving you valuable time to take action.
For more information about how to prepare for severe weather and cope during it visit Ready Scotland website.
Flood prevention
If any householder believes that their property may be susceptible to flooding, it is their responsibility to have and maintain their own flood prevention equipment such as sandbags and floodgates. These can be sourced through the internet and/or purchased from DIY stores.
More information is available on the SEPA website.
Policy on the supply of sandbags
We can’t supply sandbags to householders and/ or businesses outwith those identified as high risk within the Severe Weather Plan.
However, if any property is under an immediate risk of flooding, the council will assist where possible in protecting these properties and this may include the supply of sandbags.
Take extra care if you have to cross deep or fast flowing floodwater which can hide other dangers. Floodwater can be contaminated and dangerous to health.
Don't allow pets to drink it or play in it and wash your hands if you come into contact with the water.
Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme
This project is being developed to identify the most appropriate measures to reduce flood risk in Musselburgh. Find out more about the Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme.