• Floodline - 0345 988 1188
  • Power Cut - 105
  • NHS 24 - 111
  • Police - 101 (or 999 if an emergency)

Read and download the Community Risk Register for the East of Scotland

Read and download the following Scottish Power Energeny Network, Preparing for a Powercut.

Our support

The council will provide a high level of service to all those affected in the face of disaster.

During and following a disaster we will:

  • actively support the emergency services in all areas of work
  • lead the community in recovering from the disaster and assist in the return to normality
  • maintain normal services
  • work with partner agencies to set up an incident response group - as required
  • When the Met Office issue amber and red weather warnings, East Lothian Councils Emergency Planning and Resilience team inform our communities. If you would like to be included on this list, please email emergencyplanning@eastlothian.gov.uk .

During an emergency

A Public Information Helpline may be activated in large scale emergencies to offer advice and answer any questions you may have. The telephone number will be announced on local radio. To find out what is happening, tune in to local radio or, if you have access to the internet, check for current information on one of these websites:

If you wish to remain updated when weather warnings are given out by the emergency planning team, please contact emergencyplanning@eastlothian.gov.uk