Horse riding establishments

 'Horse' is defined as including any mare, gelding, pony, colt, filly or stallion and also any ass, mule or jennet.  The term 'riding establishment' means 'the carrying on of a business of keeping horses to let them out on hire for riding, or for use in providing instruction in riding for payment, or both'. As well as traditional riding schools, establishments offering the following activities require a licence:

  • trail riding
  • orienteering
  • trekking

Running beach ponies and donkeys and the hiring of horses for hacking and hunting also require a licence.

Officers from the Council's Environmental Health team will inspect the stables and we will also request a report from a Veterinary Surgeon or Practitioner. The cost of the Veterinary report will be recovered from the applicant prior to granting the licence.  The cost of the Veterinarian's report is in addition to the Licence fee.

Download the riding establishment application form

Download the riding establishment guidance notes

Download the riding establishment conditions

Licensing Fees

**Please note licence fees are non-refundable**

**Variations to a licence only cover a change to the licence holder's home address or day-to-day manager details**