Market Operators

If you want to run a market then a Market Operators licence is needed. There are 2 types of licence available, a temporary licence that lasts no longer than 6 weeks (for example a Christmas Market) and a 'full' licence lasting 1 year (established market). It is the market organiser, not any individual stallholder, who requires the licence.

If the market is being held by a charity, religious, youth, recreational, community or political organisation, a licence is not required.

If a licence is required, you need to fill in the application form. You must also provide a site plan showing areas to be licensed and the fee. For a Temporary Licence you must lodge the application at least 6 weeks before the event.

You should also contact the Planning Department to find out if any planning permission is needed on (01620 827216), if a permit to occupy part of a street or lay-by etc. is needed on 01875 824305  and Food Safety on 01620 827365.

How an application is dealt with

You must complete the application form and submit it with the fee to the licensing section. If you are applying for an yearly licence, you must then display the site notice below for a period of 21 days at the premises where it will be easily seen by members of the public. After that period please return the completed Certificate of Compliance (below) to the licensing office.

We will send a copy of your application to Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and other East Lothian Council Officers for their comments.

Download the market operator application form

Site Notice for display at premises (annual licences only)

Confirmation site notice has been displayed (annual licence only)

Download the market operator guidance notes

Licence Fees

**Please note:  Licence fees are non-refundable**

**Variations to a licence only cover a change to the licence holder's home address, operating hours or the day-to-day manager's details**