Late hours catering

A licence is needed if you want to sell meals or refreshments between 11pm and 5am.  This also includes "carry out" and "take away" premises such as fish and chip shops.  If your premises already have an alcohol licence or Public Entertainment Licence you will not need to apply for a late hours catering licence as long as you are not selling the food and refreshments after the terminal operating hours of that licence.   

If a licence is needed you must fill in the application form and send this in along with the fee.  You must display the site notice in the window of you premises for at least 21 days from when we receive your application.  After the 21 days has passed, you must fill in the certificate of compliance showing the dates that the notice was on display, then return the certificate to us.

How the application is dealt with

A copy of your application will be sent to the police and East Lothian Council officers.  It will take approx. 4-6 weeks to process.

If your application is granted, the licence will last 3 years and it will be your responsibility to apply for the renewal before the expiry date.

Download late hours catering application form

Download the late hours catering site notice

Download the late hours catering certificate of compliance

Licence Fees

Please note: Licence fees are non-refundable including when an application has been refused or withdrawn

**Variations to a licence only cover a change to the licence holder's home address or the premises' operating hours**