Cinema licence (including film nights)

If you want to show films, including recorded films, performances, children's films, etc, in a public place you will need a Cinema Licence.  The application form is to be submitted 6 weeks before the date of your event.

A licence is not needed for:

  • showing films in a private house where members of the public are not admitted
  • non-commercial film exhibitions where the public are not admitted or exhibitions by exempted societies or organisations
  • occasional and exceptional exhibitions - where premises are used on no more than six days in the calendar year
  • mobile cinemas 
  • video games
  • screening of television programmes at the time they are received

Even if a licence is not required, you must notify the licensing section, the Police and Fire Rescue Service.

Apply for a licence

You must complete the application form and submit it with the fee to the licensing section. We will send a copy of your application to the Police and East Lothian Council officers.

Download the cinema licence application form

Download the cinema licence guidance notes

Download the cinema licence conditions


Please note:  Licence fees are non-refundable

**Variations to a licence only cover a change to the licence holder's home address or day-to-day manager details**