Repairs and adaptations

Landlords must make sure the property they intend to rent out meets both the repairing and tolerable standard. This page provides more information on the topic of repairs and adaptations. 

1. The repairing standard

2. Right of access to a property

3. Adaptations


1. The repairing standard

The Repairing Standard, contained in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006, covers the legal and contractual obligations of private landlords to ensure that a property meets a minimum physical standard.

Landlords must carry out a pre-tenancy check of their property to identify work required to meet the Repairing Standard and notify tenants of any such work.

Landlords also have a duty to repair and maintain their property from the tenancy start date and throughout the tenancy. This includes a duty to make good any damage caused by doing this work. On becoming aware of a defect, landlords must complete the work within a reasonable time.

To comply with the Repairing Standard, private landlords must have regard to the guidance issued by Scottish Ministers.

If, after a landlord has been notified of any problem, it is not attended to satisfactorily or if there is disagreement about whether or not there is a problem, then tenants have the right to refer the matter to the Housing and Property Chamber First Tier Tribunal for Scotland.

The Tribunal has power to require a landlord to carry out work necessary to meet the standard.


2. Rights of access to a property

The landlord is entitled to enter the property to inspect any repairs required or to carry out repairs. The tenant is required to give the landlord reasonable access to do this.  You can find more information on your rights of access here.


3. Adaptations

Some tenants may required an adaptation to allow them to remain living in their home. Adaptations are vary from small works such as a grab rail or stair rail to permanent structural works such as the widening of doors. 

Landlords can only refuse an adaptation if they have a good reason. 

More information can be found at Shelter Scotland and