Scam Awareness

Each year scams cause between £5bn and £10bn worth of detriment to UK consumers. In addition to the financial impact, scams can have a severe emotional and psychological impact on victims.

The Friends Against Scams campaign, launched by the National Trading Standards Scams Team, is open to anyone who wants to protect themselves, their neighbours or their loved ones against scams. Visit Friends Against Scams for further information. 

What can I do if I have been targeted by a scam? 

If you suspect that you are the target of a scam, or that someone you know is

  • call Advice Direct Scotland on 0808 164 6000 
  • You can report scams or suspected scams to Police Scotland by calling 101.
  • pass on your knowledge - tell a friend, neighbour or relative about any scams you know of.

If you know the scam has come from abroad, report it to

Reducing Unsolicited mail and Unwanted calls

To reduce unsolicited mail, visit The Mailing Preference Service (MPS) or call 0207 2913310.

To reduce unwanted calls, visit the Telephone Preference Service or call 0345 070 0707.