
East Lothian Council has made a pledge to support Her Majesties Armed Forces. As part of this pledge they have signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant.

East Lothian Council are aware of the unique educational needs of Armed Forces Children and Young People. The information below seeks to provide additional support to schools in their role of working with children and young people from this group.

School Notification

Parents and carers in the Armed Forces (Regular, Reserve, and Veterans) are encouraged to inform their child's school of their service status. This ensures the school can collaborate effectively to provide informed support if and when it is needed.

Eduhub Site

East Lothian Armed Forces Families Eduhub site

Sections include the following :

  • Ministry of Defence Information/Guidance
  • National and Local Education Guidance
  • Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES) Guidance
  • Information on Education Grants, Bursaries and Additional Funding
  • Useful Resources for Transition


Points of contact 

Education Central Team 

Hannah McBride Deputy Head Teacher, Equity and Inclusion - Armed Forces ELC Lead 


Business Support Team

Calum Murray Schools Support Admin - Admissions and Enrolments