Organising a street-party - Planning guidance
If you are planning on organising a street party, whether as an individual or part of a group you may find the following guidance useful as you plan your event. This document is designed to steer you through the event planning process, providing ELC website links to other relevant information and application forms with the aim of giving you the tolls to hold a safe and enjoyable event.
1. Sell the idea to neighbours
Speak to as many of your neighbours as possible to gauge their interest and support. You should ensure that they understand about the event and that they have a chance to be involved and share ideas or concerns. It is important residents have an opportunity to register their support or objections. It is a good idea to hold a meeting.
2. Complete and submit your formal event application using the online form.
Once you have agreed to hold a street party, then please share you plans with ELC by submitting an Event Notification Form to the Events Officer. Please provide at least 12 weeks notice.
3. Traffic Management
To hold a street party on a public road you should submit a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order form. Further guidance can be found using the link: Traffic Management. Please provide at least 6 weeks’ notice. East Lothian Council may charge for this service, however, confirmation can be sought upon application.
4. Access Requirements
Once the road is closed, all vehicles other than emergency vehicles may not have access. Special provision may be required to afford access for disabled persons. Your Street Party may involve temporary obstructions such as, tables and chairs, activity stalls etc. and the layout must be such that a clear route along the road can easily be made available for emergency vehicles.
4. Licensing
You do not need an alcohol or public entertainment licence for your street party so long as you are not selling alcohol and the main purpose of your event is not amplified music. Further advice can be found via the link: Licensing
5. Insurance
It is strongly recommended that you source public liability insurance for your event to safeguard you/your group should there be any incident or injury to others arising from your event.
6. Risk Assessment
You should spend some time thinking about the safety of the event, the risks that may occur and the impact these might have. You should record these details in a Risk Assessment. More information can be found via the link: Risk Assessments
7. Event Marshalls
You may wish to have Event Marshalls to help improve safety throughout your event. All those acting as marshals must wear hi-visibility clothing. Each entry/exit point to your street party should be staffed/managed during the period of street closure by the marshals.
8. Responsibilities
The event organiser/s are responsible for the safety of those taking part, visiting the event. You should also ensure that the event area is left clean and tidy before the road is reopened.