Innovation project - cross-footway solutions

Drivers of most electric vehicles know that it is usually cheaper and easier to charge from home, rather than using public chargers, and they can leave the house every day with a full battery. However, those who don’t have a driveway or other suitable place to park next to their house, may find themselves wanting to run a cable across the pavement. While we do have guidance on how to use cable covers which are suitable for low footfall areas, we are keen to enable people in busier areas to charge in a way that doesn’t inconvenience others. A number of companies have come up with innovative ideas to make this more practical.

East Lothian Council is currently hosting a series of trials with different manufacturers which all use slightly different methods of routing cables to the kerbside so that drivers without a driveway or other suitable place to park next to their house may be able to plug into their own electricity supply.

At the end of the trial period we expect to launch a formal permitting system which will make provision for site assessment, inspection and ongoing maintenance of the apparatus.

If you would like to take part please email . Please note that some solutions may require planning permission.

Currently trials are running with

It is also worth noting that the UK government recently issued guidance on this subject.

Guidance on Planning Permission

While you don't normally require Planning Permission to install a charger on private property, there are some exceptions including:

  • if you live in a Conservation Area
  • if the apparatus faces onto or is within 2 metres of a road or pavement

In these cases we recommend emailing to discuss your options.