Young Scot National Entitlement Card
Young Scot National Entitlement Cards (NEC) are free and available to all East Lothian residents aged 11 to 25.
They can be used:
- as your library card in all East Lothian public and school libraries
- to get thousands of discounts in the UK and abroad - the Young Scot website has details of current discounts
- as Proof of Age with many businesses like supermarkets, off licenses and cinemas
- to access cashless catering in secondary schools - to add money to your card go to our schoolpay page
- to get concessionary travel:
- free travel on buses if between 11 and 22
- if you're 16 to 18 years of age, or a full-time volunteer up to the age of 25, you are entitled to: 1. a third off adult single bus journeys on producing your Young Scot card and a bus travel pass and 2. a voucher for a free Scottish Youth Railcard that offers 50% off train fares in Scotland
- to obtain a digital identity with Yoti - Yoti is a mobile app which is a secure and easy way to verify your details and get a reusable digital identity to prove your identity with many organisations online and in person
- to prove your identity on some internal flights - always check this is acceptable with the airline first
Are you a young carer or know a young carer?
Visit the Young Scot website to find out about the Young Carers Package
Apply for a Young Scot card
Before you apply - check the proof documents you need
Apply for a new or replacement Young Scot NEC - including U22’s free travel
If you need further help email us: or call 01620 827827 and ask for Smartcards.