Burial ground charges


Cost of lair - Re-issue/replacement £82.69


Lair purchase  

Purchase of lair for coffin remains £1,113.53

Purchase of lair for cremated remains £487.31


Interment fees              

Interment of adult £1,047.38

Saturday adult £1,569.96

Sunday adult £2,094.75

Interment of cremated remains £273.42

Saturday £410.13

Sunday £545.74



Service of lair excavated on a Saturday £1,569.96

Service of lair excavated on a Sunday/public holiday £2,094.75

Outwith area surcharge on lair £1,670.29

Outwith area surcharge ashes only £730.96

Outwith area surcharge on interments £1,047.38


Search fees*   

Search of records relating to family history or title deeds (1 hour min)* £52.92


Memorial stones*         

Cost of foundation charged on application to erect* £224.91

Maintenance* £151.04


* Items marked are subject to VAT at current rate