Buying a Lair

In some of our cemeteries you may be able to pre-buy a lair which you can keep in the family for a number of years before you need to use it. Advice on which cemeteries you can do this in can be given by contacting the beareavement team by emailing

When you buy a lair you will be given a certificate which shows the lair number on it. This helps locate the grave when you need to use it or determine ownership at a later date.

Where you are buying a lair because someone has died, your funeral director will organise this for you.

If you have pre-bought a lair and want to use it at a later date you will be required to provide the lair certificate to prove ownership and sign a consent form for the lair to be opened. If you lose or mislay the lair certificate you will be required to sign an indemnity form which states that you have entitlement to the exclusive right of the lair.

Costs of buying a lair and arranging a burial