Notice of Marriage in Scotland

Please note that the minimum period of marriage notice in Scotland is 29 days before the date of the marriage.

When you are planning your marriage, you are required to give notice to the Registrar of your intention to be married.

If you are being married or having a civil partnership in East Lothian you need to contact the Registrar to give notice of your intention to marry/have a civil partnership. Once you contact the Registrar you will be sent a link where you can upload all your documents and pay the appropriate fees. Please name your documents  and upload in PDF format where possible.

Everyone must complete a (M10) Marriage Notice Form and a Witness Details form.

You will also need original copies of:

  • birth certificates
  • proof of address for both applicants
  • passports (if born after 1 January 1983)

If you are a non-UK national, you should complete a declaration of status by non-UK national.

If you have been married or in a civil partnership before, you must submit proof this has ended by providing original:
  • divorce decree/dissolution of civil partnership
  • or a death certificate of your former spouse or civil partner
  • or a completed divorce questionnaire if divorce granted in a country outwith the UK.

You need to submit the paperwork 10 to 12 weeks before the date of the ceremony. The Registrar is unable to accept (M10) Marriage Notice Forms and (CP10's) Civil Partnership Forms more than 3 months prior to the date of your marriage. However if you are a non European Economic Area (EEA) national we recommend that you give three months notice.

Guidance on submitting marriage / civil partnership forms

However, the Registrar will need to see all your original documents  before we are able to issue the Marriage/CP Schedule for use at your ceremony. You will need to keep your original M10’s/CP10’s that you have scanned and bring them to your appointment with all other original documents nearer the time of your ceremony. If you are having a religious or belief ceremony you will need to make an appointment for the week of your ceremony to collect your Marriage Schedule and to show the Registrar your original documents. If you are having a civil ceremony then the Marriage Schedule will remain with the Registrar, you can therefore arrange your appointment to hand in all original documents for a few weeks before your ceremony. To make an appointment you can email

 or phone the Registrar’s office – 01620 827 308.

Find the Registrar's office and make an appointment

Marrying abroad

You may also need to give notice here if you plan to marry abroad. Ask the overseas authority if you will need a certificate of no impediment.