What can we offer you?
The Countryside Service works in partnership with East Lothian Countryside Volunteers to offer a range of opportunities for people interested in helping out in the outdoors.
We are always keen to take on new volunteers and the first thing you should do if interested is to contact us at ranger@eastlothian.gov.uk . We’ll then get in touch with our latest Volunteer Registration Form and Handbook . After receipt of the completed form, we'll organise a short induction chat with you before getting you out on the ground.

Group or lone working?
Most, but not all of the volunteering tasks are based on working in a group. You’ll be guided on the task at hand, usually by the site Countryside Ranger, who will provide anything specific you need to carry out the task. You will be expected, however, do dress suitably for work in the outdoors, and to bring whatever you want with you in terms of additional clothing, food and drink.
Some tasks, however, are lone volunteering projects. For each of these you’ll receive specific instruction on how to safely complete each activity.
What can I volunteer to do and where?
There are a number of sites / types of volunteering that you can get involved with, these are detailed in the Handbook, along with times and locations.
How long is the volunteering day/How often should I volunteer?
Some volunteer groups work a half-day, others the majority of a day. Lone working tasks usually are designed to last no more than a couple of hours.
As to how frequently you volunteer – it’s up to you. Volunteering works best when you can slot it around your other commitments easily, perhaps 1-2 times each month.