Supporting our people

We believe promoting and supporting your health and wellbeing should be a priority

Feeling positive and healthy can help people to get the most out of their employment and strike a good work-life balance. It supports productivity and helps us deliver fantastic services.

We know many of our people have busy lives and different responsibilities. That’s why we offer flexible working arrangements and family-friendly policies for many roles. We’re also investing in digital to make it easier for employees to work smartly and in agile way, while we are supportive of green travel initiatives to give people more options.

We have a comprehensive Occupational Health Service as well as a physiotherapy referral service.

Our Employee Assistance Programme is a free, confidential benefit to help our people balance their work, family and personal life. It is a life management and personal support service which is available 24/7, every day of the year.

We also have a network of ‘Listening Ears’, people who work for the council and understand its culture and policies. They are very good listeners who are here for you if you ever just want someone to listen to you and suggest further sources of support.  

Developing our people

We believe everyone has talent and should be supported in reaching their potential. That's why we prioritise opportunities for learning and development, helping people develop skills for the future.

We offer a comprehensive programme of e-learning and other training opportunities across all parts of the council, both in-house and externally. We currently have a comprehensive package of digital learning programmes, giving our people flexibility on when and how to undertake learning/training.

We also provide structured learning programmes including Modern Apprenticeships and opportunities for graduates.

We help our people gain additional qualifications, for example through vocational-based work training, further education or through distance learning programmes.

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