Current vacancies

Job vacancies with East Lothian Council

View all our vacancies and apply on the MyJobScotland website.

Apply online where possible. If you need a computer and internet access then contact your local library or complete the libraries online booking form to arrange free access.

East Lothian Council Vacancies on MyJobScotland

Register for job alerts

You can get notified of any of our jobs by email. All you need to do is logon to your MyJobScotland account and create your own search criteria by registering for job alerts.

Logos for Disability Confident Employer and Armed Forces CovenantApplication process

You can save and go back to your application at any time online. For more advice on how to apply for a job with East Lothian Council, please read our guide on completing a successful application.

Pre-screening questions

You may be asked a pre-screening question when you apply for a vacancy -this is to save you time and effort when completing an application if you do not meet the essential criteria of the post

Internal only vacancies - who is eligible to apply

All current ELC employees are eligible to apply. Casual workers and agency staff may apply but must be working for East Lothian Council at the time the vacancy is advertised.


We do not accept CVs for any vacancy.

Submitting an application following a closing date

We will not accept any applications following the closing date unless there has been a technical problem with the MyJobScotland website. This can be confirmed by MyJobScotland.

I've forgotten my MyJobScotland password what do I do?

You can reset your password at:

The East Lothian Way

Our values, and the behaviours which support them known as the East Lothian Way, help us meet the objectives of our organisation. We expect all our employees to be familiar and be able to demonstrate the values and behaviours in their everyday work. If you are invited to interview for any of our vacancies you may be asked questions based on these, so it is a good idea to familiarise yourself with them.

Download the East Lothian Way booklet