Support for tourism businesses
Economic Development has a small tourism team who work across the public and private sectors to develop the tourism industry in East Lothian. We can provide support or signpost to suitable sources of support for tourism events and initiatives that attract additional visitors to the county. Please email if your business requires any help.
Tourism funding
There are many funding opportunities for individuals, groups or organisations to assist in developing events in Scotland.
EventScotland deliver a series of funding programmes. Programmes include: International Events, National Events, Beacon Events, Scottish Clans & Historical Figures Events, Scotland's Winter Festivals and Themed Years.
Creative Scotland offers funding to individuals, groups or organisations to support a wide range of activity in the arts, screen and creative industries.
Visit East Lothian website and digital channels
If your business is an accommodation provider, visitor attraction, food & drink establishment, or activity, tour or experience operator in East Lothian, you may qualify for a free listing on our Visit East Lothian website. Scroll to the bottom of the website homepage to the 'Business Directory' section.
- Your business is already listed - Click on 'Register Your Business'. Once you have registered, log back in by clicking on 'Business Login' and search for your listing then claim your listing.
- Your business is not listed - Click on 'Register Your Business' and follow the process.
You can keep up to date with what's on offer in East Lothian by following our social media channels Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.
Tourism Signposting
To be considered for brown tourist signs in East Lothian, VisitScotland must approve your eligibility before you can submit an application to East Lothian Council. Please note that VisitScotland is only responsible for approving eligibility for signage and is not responsible for approving signage. The final agreement to sign your establishment is at the discretion of East Lothian Council. Once you have received approval from VisitScotland, you can then make an application to East Lothian Council for possible approval, locations, number of signs, costs, etc. Applications will be assessed on a case by case basis and will take into account, visibility and road safety.
To find out how to apply for a brown tourist sign