Numerous studies have now shown that children who read for pleasure do better in school and in later life no matter what their background.

Schools can teach children to read but what libraries do is help children find something that sparks that love of reading for them.

Book groups give children the chance to share their favourite books and authors and take part in fun activities to encourage them to try something new and develop their reading tastes.

Groups for children run in a number of our libraries and we are always looking to start more so if your local library doesn't have one at the moment please talk to staff about the possibility of starting one.

The following groups are currently running in libraries - please contact the library to check for information on places and the ages of children attending - visit the Library Directory for contact details of all our libraries.

  • East Linton Library - Chatterbooks ( for ages 8 to 11 ) - meets every second Monday from 3:30pm to 4;30pm. No need to book
  • Gullane Library - Teen Book Group - contact the branch for details
  • Gullane Library - Tween Book Group - contact the branch for details