How to join the Library
Full Library Membership
A Full Library Membership allows you to borrow and use ALL of the Library Services (including our Online Library).
For a Full Library Membership you need to complete an application form and supply:
- one form of identification (e.g. driving licence, passport or birth certificate)
- a document detailing your current address which is less than 6 months old. (e.g. a utility bill or bank statement).
- any person under 18 years of age, who has yet to start school or is still attending a school within East Lothian or in full time Secondary education, needs to have their form signed by a parent or carer accepting responsibility on their behalf ( known as the guarantor) - proof of the guarantor's current address must be obtained, instead of that of the child
You can also download the form, print it and take the completed application to any of our libraries, together with your forms of identification. Library application forms are available in all our libraries.
Download a Full Library Membership Application Form
Library Management System Privacy Notice
Library Service Computers and Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Online Library
Alternatively, you can access all of our eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and online services ONLY - to borrow and use services from Branch Libraries you will need a Full Library Membership.
Other ways to borrow
If you are aged between 12 and 26, you can apply for a YoungScot card. This only applies to secondary school pupils who attend school outwith East Lothian. Otherwise smartcards are issued to East Lothian pupils through their own school.
Alternatively, if you have a National Entitlement Card or Concessionary Travel Pass you can use this card as your library card. You will still need to complete a library membership form but you will not need to show further proof of identification.