Save time, do it online!
Many of our services are available online 24 hours a day.
Council Tax
Contact the Council Tax team using our online form
Bins and recycling
- report an emergency repair
- report a non emergency or routine repair
- contact your local Housing team
- find your nearest Rent Advice Surgery
Environmental health
Other services
Make a suggestion, compliment or complaint
Contact Customer Services:
Phone us:
Call 01620 827 827
Post or visiting in person:
Get details of our offices, including addresses and maps: find a council area office
Information on this website can be provided in alternative formats such as Braille, large print, audiotape or your own language. Email or call 01620 827 827.
British Sign Language (BSL)
BSL users can contact us using the BSL interpreting service free of charge. Log on at ContactSCOTLAND-BSL or use the app.