What are Common Good Funds?

Common Good Funds in Scotland originated in the 15th century and are the assets and income of some former Burghs. They represent a substantial portfolio of land, property and investments and by law continue to exist for the common good of the inhabitants of the former Burghs to which they relate.

East Lothian Council administers the assets of four common good funds within its boundaries. These are Dunbar, Haddington, Musselburgh and North Berwick.

The Common Good Funds principal function is to allow for the maintenance and repair of the Common Good assets. The funds can also be approached to provide funding to support activities and events which will benefit the inhabitants of the former Burghs. 

The area of each common good fund is defined by Burgh maps from 1973 and only residents or organisations that live or operate within these areas can apply for common good funding.

The common good committee for each area will administer its own common good funds with support from council officers.

For the current year 2024 / 2025 the annual budgets available for the award of grants by the four Common Good Funds are:

Dunbar - £4,000

Total amount of funding still available at 29 November 2024 - £0

Haddington - £10,000

Total amount of funding still available at 29 November 2024 - £1,284

Musselburgh - £150,000

Total amount of funding still available at 14 March 2025 - £0

North Berwick - £10,000

Total amount of funding still available at 14 March 2025 - £500

NB: The processing of some applications for funding may take longer due to them needing approval from the next scheduled Council meeting. This would apply in the following cases:

  • Where the application is for funding in excess of £10,000.
  • Where the application is for an amount in excess of the remaining budget available to the four funds

View all common good area maps

Each Common good committee will consist of all the councillors for those areas, namely:

View All East Lothian Councillors

Note - Councillors must not be canvassed on their views on an application prior to it being submitted.

Common Good Asset Register

The Common Good Asset Register has been established and published in accordance with Part 8 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and Scottish Government Guidance, which outline the duties of the council in regard to the management of the Common Good.

The Common Good Asset Register is a live document and will be updated if any further assets are identified as Common Good property.

View and download the Common Good Asset Register