Attending council meetings

All public meetings are live streamed for the public to view using the following link: Home - East Lothian Council Webcasting (

The public are welcome to attend meetings of the council and its various committees and sub-committees, except where confidential business is being discussed. 

Due to the limited space in the Council Chamber it is advisable for members of the public who wish to attend in person to arrange this in advance with a member of the Committees Team, contact: 

Times of committees meetings vary and can be checked in the schedule of meetings.

Where and when meetings take place

Meetings of the main committees and sub-committees take place in the Council Chamber, Town House, Haddington.  A hybrid meeting system is used to facilitate the meetings with participants having the option to attend in person or remotely.

All public meetings are webcast live and recorded (with the webcast being available for 6 months after the meeting date).  

The webcast of recent public meetings can be viewed at the following link: Home - East Lothian Council Webcasting (

Access to meeting papers

All public meeting papers are available via the Council's website, at the following link: Agendas, reports and minutes | East Lothian Council

Committee papers are published in pdf format.  Should papers be required in a different format, please contact the Committees Team at: