Help with your rent

Rent arrears or worries about paying can create real pressures for tenants and their families and we would urge you to contact your landlord for help or advice as early as possible.

If you’re a council tenant, our dedicated Rent Income Officers will deal with any concerns you have confidentially and sensitively. We understand there’s lots of reasons why people fall behind with rent payments, such as a change in circumstances or difficulties managing bills. Rent Income Officers can meet with you to discuss any concerns you have, or can even arrange a home visit if you prefer.

If you need help with your rent payments or advice about rent arrears, you can also call into one of our local advice surgeries. Drop-in for a friendly chat, or contact us to arrange an appointment.  

Rent advice surgery locations, dates and times 

Financial support

If you’re struggling to pay your rent, it’s always worth checking you’re claiming all financial support you may be entitled to:

If you’re pension age you may qualify for Housing Benefit. You can apply if you’re working or out of work. How much you get depends on how much rent you pay, how many people live with you and your household income, including benefits, pensions and savings.

Apply for Housing Benefit 

If you’re working age and out of work or on a low income you may be entitled to Universal Credit. This may include some help towards your housing costs. 

Apply for Universal Credit 

If you’re entitled to Housing Benefit or the housing costs element of Universal Credit, you may be eligible for a Discretionary Housing Payment. A Discretionary Housing Payment may also be awarded if your benefit has reduced as a result of the bedroom tax or benefit cap. 

Apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment