Community Mental Health Team

Introducing the Community Mental Health Team

The Community Mental Health Team (CMHT), operated by the East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership, offers specialised support to adults aged 18 to 65 in East Lothian.

If your mental health needs require more specialised assistance, your GP can refer you to this team. Upon receiving the referral, the CMHT will assess your needs and allocate an appropriate worker for an initial assessment.

What do they do?

The CMHT comprises several professionals who work collaboratively to provide comprehensive care:

  1. Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPNs): CPNs operate outside hospitals and conduct assessments at various venues, including outpatient departments, GP surgeries, and sometimes even at patients’ homes. They provide support during challenging periods of mental ill health, working with patients to understand their difficulties, develop strengths, and create a clear “care plan” focused on recovery. CPNs also assist with medication management, concordance, and healthier living strategies. Additionally, CPNs play a vital role in helping family members and carers understand and manage the patient’s condition.
  2. Community Mental Health Support Workers: These workers engage with patients individually, providing one-to-one support. They may also facilitate support groups and activities, contributing to ongoing treatment and recovery. Like CPNs, support workers operate outside hospitals and meet patients at outpatient departments or their homes. They collaborate with other team members, such as occupational therapists and consultant psychiatrists, to deliver specific treatment programs.
  3. Community Mental Health Peer Support Workers: Peer support workers draw upon their own lived experiences to provide social and emotional support. Their unique perspective can foster desired social and personal changes in patients.

How to Contact Them?

  • Phone: You can reach the CMHT at 01620 642 905 during their operating hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm).
  • Eligibility: The service primarily caters to adults aged 18 to 65 with moderate to severe mental health difficulties.