Option 1

Using Option 1 you will be able to receive money directly from the council to spend on a variety of things that meet your assessed need. This is called a direct payment.

Getting a direct payment is one of the most flexible ways of using Self Directed Support as it allows you control of what you spend the money on as well as designing support around a timetable that suits you.

Direct payments can be used in a couple of ways:

  • You can either use it to purchase support directly from an agency or provider (for example for choosing your own care at home agency or respite provider)
  • Or you can choose to become an employer and recruit your own personal assistant to provide support at home

If you choose to become an employer there are certain employment rules that you must take into account. Our support organisation, Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living, can help you with this.

To access a direct payment you will need to be willing to open a separate bank account to hold the money we give you. You will also need to complete a small amount of paperwork to show how you are spending your money and send this to our Direct Payments Team to allow us to monitor this.

Before getting a direct payment you will need to have an assessment to make sure you are eligible for support.

Organise an assessment

Learn more about Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living

Download a guide to employing your own Personal Assistant