Enrolment Arrangements

Letham Mains Primary School

To enrol your child in Letham Mains Primary School please contact schoolplacements@eastlothian.gov.uk.

Pupils already enrolled in an East Lothian primary school

As with any pupil who is already enrolled in a primary school, the child can remain at that school, although you will be responsible for any associated transport costs.

Please note that if parents wish for younger siblings to attend the same school, a non-catchment placing request will need to be made at that time. We cannot guarantee to grant a place at the non-catchment school for any other children in the family in the future. Further information on school enrolment.

Parents can also opt for their child to remain at their current school and not move to LMPS during the temporary hosting arrangement but then move to LMPS once the new building is open. Parents need to contact the School Placements Team in January 2020 to inform them of this decision.

Secondary aged pupils

Secondary aged pupils will be accommodated at Knox Academy. This is the associated catchment secondary school for the Haddington cluster.

Further information of school enrolment is available.