Providing additional support
We are required to provide adequate and efficient provision to meet the additional support needs of each child and young person for whom we are responsible. This does not mean that we are required to do anything outwith our powers or anything that would result in unreasonable public expenditure. Judgements with regards to this can only be made when considering the needs and circumstances of individual children and young people.
The Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act (2000) states that children should attend mainstream schools unless there are exceptional circumstances that prevent this. The additional support needs of almost all children and young people who require universal, additional and targeted support are met through the range of provision available within mainstream schools. Our schools receive a predictable needs budget based on school roll and level of deprivation. In many cases this is used to fund Support for Learning (SfL) staff who can assist class teachers to identify and address additional support needs through a range of support and intervention strategies from within the five nationally recognised roles:
- co-operative teaching
- consultancy
- staff development /training
- tutoring and teaching pupils
- providing specialist services
A nursery nurse, classroom assistant or auxiliary may also provide support for pupils; they work with individuals or small groups of children and young people as required. The support given will be designed to achieve the maximum independence for the child or young person and to facilitate access to the curriculum as unobtrusively as possible. In secondary schools, guidance staff play a crucial role in supporting pupils, particularly those with social, emotional and behavioural needs.
In every school, a member of the management team has the responsibility for overseeing and co-ordinating matters relating to additional support needs. In each secondary school a promoted member of staff is responsible for allocating and managing support to staff and parents. Information about how services are delivered and managed in each school is set out in the school’s handbook.
In addition to predictable needs funding, children and young people who have additional support needs that are so complex and of relatively low incidence, can access exceptional needs funding. Further information can be found in our Allocation of Resources to Support Children and Young People with Additional Support Needs Guidance 2017.
We provide a wide range of services to support establishments in meeting additional support needs.