Herdmanflat Tree Felling and Planting
Between mid February to mid March 2025 a programme of tree felling will be carried out at the former Herdmanflat Hospital Site in Haddington. The works do not represent the start of new build construction but will be removed as an early package of works to avoid impact during the bird nesting season.
- 14 poorer quality trees are to be removed for health + safety and woodland management reasons
- 37 individual trees are to be removed to support development
- 157 trees within shrub/ scrub blocks to be removed to support development
The area will remain open to the public during the works with localised areas closed off for safety and to facilitate the felling and clearing works until completed. Some further bat inspection works are being programmed to be undertaken prior to removals and a licenced ecologist will be on site at key felling times.
The phase 1 proposals will deliver:
- 819 new woodland trees
- 91 new trees within gardens and open spaces
- 1450 new woodland understorey shrubs and perennials
These will be implemented during the delivery of the works in the first available planting season.

Map detailing where trees will be removed from Herdmanflat

Map detailing where new trees will be planted at Herdmanflat