Phase 1 of Development


The former Herdmanflat hospital was purchased by East Lothian Council from NHS Lothian in 2020. Due to its scale and proximity to Haddington Town, the site offers a very unique opportunity to redevelop the building and grounds to provide affordable housing for older people of 55 years old and above. A planning application in principle was granted on 20 August 2024 and a further detailed Planning permission was submitted in December 2024. Members of the public are able to give their views on the proposals via the council's online planning portal, application number 24/01284/AMM.

Why 55+?

East Lothian has one of the largest growing and ageing populations in Scotland and with over 600 households over the age of 55 on East Lothian Council's housing list, improving the lives of older people in East Lothian is a longstanding focus for East Lothian Council.

All homes will meet Dementia Friendly design and be built to Housing for Varying Needs Standards to support the health and wellbeing of tenants. This will allows tenatns to stay at home for longer as the properties adapt and remain flexible to their changing needs.


There are 5 development phases in total planned for the site but at this stage (Summer 2025) it is only the first phase that is being taken forward. The first phase will consist of a total of 51 flats located over 5 buildings ranging from two to three storeys in height.

Tree Removals and Planting

Unfortunately, some trees will need to be removed as part of phase one, a number of which are of poor quality and the majority are within a shrub/scrub category. On a positive note, 700+ new trees will be planted, 35 of which will be established trees. New woodland paths will also be developed within the site for all to enjoy.

Find out more about tree works at Herdmanflat

Community Benefits

Delivering community benefits is a key focus of larger new build housing projects and an essential part of the contract package. The focus is not just to produce high quality homes but also an opportunity to contribute to the creation of sustainable communities. Examples of support include work experience placements, training initiatives and engaging with local supply chains.  

Development Programme

Cruden Homes have been appointed as the phase one contractor after a competitive tender process managed by Hub South East. A reserved matters planning application has now been submitted with a site start anticipated for late summer 2025. The contract is expected to complete at the end of 2026 beginning of 2027.