Rent Consultation 2025-26

Rent Level Consultation 2025-26

Each year we consult with our tenants, Registered Tenant Organisations, local groups and East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel (ELTRP) on any proposals to increase rents.  

We are now consulting on our proposals for 2025-26.

The money tenants pay in rent goes into the Housing Revenue Account to pay for delivering the housing service and providing services for council tenants.   The main items of expenditure are loan charges, repairs and maintenance, operating and employee costs. This is an opportunity for tenants to have a say on the proposals and plans for continued improvements in 2025-26 and we urge all of our tenants to take part by completing the questionnaire we have sent them or by going to our Consultation Hub Rent Level Consultation 2025-26 - East Lothian Council - Citizen Space

Our consultation will end on Friday 20 December 2024.