Landlord registration and accreditation

This topic explains landlords must show they are suitable to let out property. If you are a landlord looking for registration information or considering accreditation.

1. Landlord registration

2. Fees

3. Unregistered landlords

4. Landlord accreditation

5. Checking landlord’s credentials

6. Licensing of HMO’s


1. Landlord registration

The aim of landlord registration is to ensure that all private landlords and agents in Scotland are ‘fit and proper’ to be letting residential property. The owner of every let property must register, and must declare anyone who acts for them in relation to their letting. You must register with each local authority in whose area you let property. You can also register if you do not own any property, to show that you are ‘fit and proper’ to act as an agent, or before you invest in property for let.

It is an offence to let, or seek to let, a property without first having made a valid application to register.

There are some exemptions, including:

  • holiday lets
  • houses providing care services regulated by the Care Commission
  • properties let to particular relatives of the landlord
  • private lets with a Resident Landlord.

Apply via the Landlord Registration Scotland website

2. Fees

Payment must be made at the time of application.  Fees are currently:

Principal fee:   £80

Property fee:   £18 (per let property)

Late application fee:   £160

Download the private landlord registration application


3. Unregistered landlords

A landlord who does not apply to register and continues to let property is guilty of an offence, and the council may serve a notice suspending the tenants' rent payments. Alternatively, we can seek a criminal prosecution against an unregistered landlord who continues to let property. The maximum fine is £50,000 per offence.


4. Landlord accreditation 

Landlord Accreditation is a voluntary scheme whereby landlords can show that they are letting to the high standards outlined in the Scottish Core Standards for Accredited Landlords. The scheme is run by Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS) and supported by the Scottish Government.


5. Checking a landlord's credentials

Tenants can check if their Landlord is registered or verify his/her details, by using the Public Search Facility on the Landlord Registration Website, by calling 01620 827 827 or by emailing

All tenancies must be with registered landlords. If a tenant discovers that their landlord is not registered, they should report this immediately to East Lothian Council, on the email address given above.

Before you agree to rent from a landlord or agent that claims accreditation, ask them to show you their accreditation certificate or quote their accreditation number. To verify details, contact Landlord Accreditation Scotland.


6. Licensing of houses in multiple occupation

Landlords of properties let to more than two (unrelated) persons or families will need to hold a licence for a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO). This is in addition to registering as a landlord. HMO licences are issued by the council.