Proposed LDP2
Following the completion of the Gate Check, the agreed issues from this will be used to develop the content of the Proposed Local Development Plan 2. The Proposed Plan will set out where new development should take place and where it should not. It highlights allocated areas where the different types of development should take place. It should coordinate development and service provision and an Infrastructure First approach should inform its preparation and support its delivery. New style plans are expected to be place-based: there should be greater emphasis on maps, site briefs and masterplans. When required, policy wording will develop the NPF4 national policies into the East Lothian context. We will discuss potential spatial strategy and policy direction with the Key Agencies and other stakeholder involved in the delivery of the Plan to ensure policy alignment and deliverability.
Following publication of the Proposed Plan, the Council will look to hold workshops and online engagement events with communities that could be the focus of future development proposals, of any sort. We will also discuss potential policy direction with the Key Agencies to ensure policy alignment and deliverability.
More details on how to get involved with the Proposed Plan stage will be made available within the updated LDP Development Plan Scheme, and also published on the Council's website and social media pages.