New link road and enabling works

Work to create a new link road through the former Cockenzie Power Station site and prepare the area for redevelopment started in September 2024.

The former East Lothian Council site was purchased by East Lothian Council in 2018 and a vision was developed to create employment opportunities as well as enhancing the site for the benefit of the local community.

New link road

The new road will link the Alder Road junction on the B6371 approach to Cockenzie with the existing B1348 road. Much of the route will follow an existing service road to the former coal plant and be complemented by a lane, largely set back from the main roadway, to encourage safe walking and cycling. Construction is expected to be completed in August 2025. The new road will ease pressure on existing roads in the community from vehicles accessing development sites.

Enabling works will be carried out in phases during this same period.

Working with delivery partner Hub South East, East Lothian Council has appointed Balfour Beatty to the projects which are being undertaken at the same time to offer cost and time efficiencies.

Pre-commencement planning conditions for the enabling works have been discharged and the following is an updated outline programme of work has been developed:

  • Week commencing 26 August: Preliminary site set up works - portable units being delivered, further noise and dust monitoring surveys, Heras fencing being delivered
  • Week commencing 9 September: Subject to confirmation from East Lothian Council Road Services, works will take place to strengthen Edinburgh Road at crossing point, works to verge beside Edinburgh Road footpaths and tree protection works
  • Week commencing 16 September: Formal commencement of development – Site clearance at coal store, breaking of slabs that formed base of exterior conveyor system, continuation of crossing point works
  • Week commencing 21 September: Security hoarding erected in front of power station site along Edinburgh Road, haul route construction starts.

It is anticipated that trial runs of the trucks crossing Edinburgh Road will take place in early October, with the first bund material movements starting during week commencing 14 October, although this is subject to change.

First phase of enabling works

The first phase of the enabling works will involve transferring earth from the bunds surrounding the former coal store, across the Edinburgh Road to infill the void in the power station site. This will create a level platform for further development. This phase of the works is due to be completed in spring 2025.

As a requirement of the permissions, an Ecological Clerk of Works will be regularly visiting the site to ensure compliance with bird, wildlife and tree related planning conditions. A Bat Species Protection Plan is also in place during phase 1 of the works.

Second phase of enabling works

The second phase will involve the removal of the largest bund on the coal store site and the demolition of concrete structures on the site. That cannot start until spring 2025 following the completion of bat surveys and the implementation of any replacement habitat that may be required as a result of the surveys.


The enabling works are 90% funded by UK Government and 10% by East Lothian Council with the link road 100% funded by East Lothian Council.

All estimated start dates are provisional and are subject to a number of planning conditions being satisfied before works can commence.

More information on the site and other current developments, including Blindwells, Craighall and the Innovation Hub at QMU, is on the council website

Works management plans

Download the access management plan

Download the construction traffic management plan

Download the dust management plan

Download the noise management plan