Protected Trees

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legal procedure used by East Lothian Council to protect individual trees, groups of trees or woodlands that make a significant contribution to the visual amenity of an area or are of cultural or historical importance.

Landowners are responsible for the care, maintenance and safety of all trees on their land, however before any work can be carried out on those that are covered by Tree Preservation Orders, landowners must get written permission from the council. In general, trees that are felled will have to be replaced with new ones.

To check whether any tree is protected by a Tree Preservation Order contact us using the details on this page. 

We have a number of our Tree Preservation Orders available to view below. This is not a complete list.

List of TPO's issued

Conservation Areas

Trees within conservation areas are also protected by legislation, and the Council must be notified in writing 6 weks in advance of any planned work on such trees. To check whether a tree is in a conservation area, plese refer to the maps of East Lothian's conservation areas  or contact us using the details on this page.

Planning Conditions

If the Council's planning committee permits the development of a particular site, any trees within it may be protected by a condtion on a planning consent. The Council must approve any such works on trees in advance. To check whether a tree is protected by a planing condition, please contact us using the details on this page.

Please note: It is an offence to fell, lop, top or carry out any work on protected trees without permission.  If convicted, a fine of up to £20,000 may be imposed.