Metal Dealers

If you are dealing in buying or selling any type of scrap metal you will need a licence.  If you are trading from premises you will need a Metal Dealers licence. If you travel from place to place dealing in scrap metal and do not have premises then you will require an Itinerant Metal Dealer Licence.  Each licence will last for 1 year if granted.

How do I apply and how will we deal with your application?

You must complete the application form and submit it with the fee to the licensing section.  If you have a trading from a premises you will need to display the notice below for a minimum of 21 days starting from the date you lodge your application with us.  We will send a copy of your application to Police Scotland and East Lothian Council officers.

Download the metal dealer licence application form

Download the metal dealer site notice

Download the metal dealer compliance notice

Licence Fees

**Please note: Licence fees are non-refundable**

**Variations to a licence only cover a change to the licence holder's home address or day-to-day manager details**