Find a campsite
East Lothian has a variety of fantastic camp sites, many of which are a stone’s throw from our best countryside and beaches - like Yellowcraig, Tyninghame, Whitesands and Gullane.
Find the ideal site for you, your family and friends on Visit East Lothian.
Can I camp in the countryside?
Wild camping is permitted if it is:
- part of a pedestrian or cycled journey
- lightweight backpack camping – every piece of equipment is carried as part of that journey
- done in small tents (2 person) and a maximum of four campers together
- only for two nights in any one place
- done discreetly - respecting neighbours and nature
- in line with local signage guidance on our sites
- leave no trace
Camping isn’t permitted if it involves:
- camping from a vehicle (overnight parking is not permitted in our countryside car parks)
- lighting irresponsible fires (please use a stove instead)
- littering or irresponsible toileting
- family tents/gazebos
- large groups

Watch our video for wild camping advice
Protect our countryside
Scotland is unique in the UK in that wild camping is legal on unenclosed land where access rights apply. This right is enshrined in the Land Reform Act, but it requires some interpretation.
Here in East Lothian we have Land Management Rules that define what is permitted on our ecologically sensitive countryside sites. Countryside Rangers patrol these sites, manage the cumulative effects of visitors and make sure access is taken responsibly.
These rules exist to protect our natural heritage and ensure the countryside provides a quality experience for all of our visitors.