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You can change the text size, colours and fonts for this site using Recite Me or visiting our settings page. You can also change the text size using your browser:

  • Chrome: Select the ‘More settings’ menu, then under ‘Appearance’ use the arrows next to ‘Page zoom’
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British Sign Language (BSL)

BSL users can contact us using the BSL interpreting service free of charge. Log on at ContactSCOTLAND-BSL or use the app

British Sign Language Plan

The British Sign Langage Plan outlines how we will improve communication and access to services for people who use BSL.

Gaelic Language Plan

The East Lothian Gaelic Language Plan 2020-2025 outlines our ambitions for Gaelic.

Support to access our services

Our Contact Us page has details of support available to access our services.

We are committed to making our website accessible

We have made every effort to make sure this website is easy to read in plain English, and we hope you find it easy to use. Our web team regularly review content and provide recommendations to make sure all web content is as easy to understand as possible. 

Read our accessibility statement

Contact our web team

If you have any concerns or feedback, let us know. 

Email us