Counter-terrorism strategy (CONTEST) 2018
The aim of CONTEST is to reduce the risk to the UK and its citizens and interests overseas from terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence.
Flood Study Reports
The Musselburgh Flood Study Report and Haddington Flood Study Report with map appendices.
Musselburgh Flood Protection - February 2019 Notice Board
These public notice boards show information on historic flooding and were displayed at the river pathway by Eskmills in February 2019.
Musselburgh Flood Protection - July 2019 Notice Board
These public notice boards show updates on the development of the flood protection scheme and were displayed at the river pathway by Eskmills in July 2019.
Musselburgh Flood Protection - July 2019 Exhibition
These slides are from a public exhibition on the Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme held in July 2019.
Torness Nuclear Power Station - emergency response plans
REPPIR report and plans for Torness Nuclear Power Station