Record details

Organisation Name
Musselburgh and District CAB
Category of advice
General advice, welfare and benefits. Income, money and debt advice. Health and wellbeing, consumer advice. Older people, carers, disability, housing, legal advice and immigration employment.
The Fisherrow Centre, South Street, Musselburgh
EH21 6AT
Phone number
0131 653 2748
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 10am to 12.30pm (drop in)Monday to Wednesday 1.30 to 4 pm (drop in)Thursday and Friday pm (Specialist Appointments)
How to make a referral
Complete our online enquiry form viathe website or by phone / email
Description of the service
Musselburgh CAB is committed to:-The advancement of human rights by ensuring that people do not suffer through ignorance of their rights The relief of poverty, by addressing inequality through the provision of accurate and appropriate adviceThe advancement of education, by providing individuals with information, clarification and understanding of their legal rights and responsibilitiesThe relief of those in need, by providing a comprehensive advice service to those suffering by reason of age, ill-health, disability or financial hardshipThe advancement of citizenship and community development, and through learning opportunities, providing individuals with appropriate skills to secure and retain employment