Tynebank Road, Haddington
We received over 200 responses to our consultation on the creation of a safer route for all users of Tynebank Road, in particular for pupils travelling between the local schools, and the residential areas to the North and South of Tynebank Road.
Some suggested that a new shared-use segregated path should be on the east side of Tynebank Road, rather than the western side that we originally envisaged. We therefore engaged an external consultant to evaluate the various options in more detail, and in the first instance will take forward the construction of the section between Mill Wynd and the entrance off Tynebank Road to Haddington Athletics' stadium, as shown in the sketch below. The Council's Roads Team, Sports and Recreation Team, and Countryside Rangers have agreed a construction process which will have minimal impact on the trees. Further investigation will establish what crossing points will be needed at the North and South of the path. We are in the process of applying for Planning Permission and there will be further opportunities for comment through that process.

Sketch showing route of potential path alongside Tynebank Road