There is a range of options for older people including services to maintain independent living at home and alternative accommodation to suit varying needs. This topic helps to guide you on what is available in the local area. If you are an older person needing support, you can find out more about social care services and/or requesting support at home here. More information on housing options can be found at AGE Scotland.

There are a number of ways that your life could be made easier and safer without you needing to move home and these are described in this section.

The main choices are:

  • Social rented accommodation that is designated (and particularly suitable) for occupation by older people, but which will have minimal services
  • Independent, self-contained homes with their own front door, with the support of a scheme manager / warden either socially rented or privately owned
  • Sheltered housing for frailer, less mobile people, including wheelchair users
  • Single rooms with shared facilities, and often including personal care, nursing, or meeting specific care needs such as dementia.

1. Living independently at home

2. Amenity housing

3. Sheltered housing

4. Retirement housing

5. Extra care housing

6. Residential Care homes


1. Living independently at home

Please click on the links below to go to more information, about ways to help you live independently at home.


2. Amenity housing

Amenity housing is self-contained accommodation designed specifically with the needs of older people in mind. These homes are ideally for those who are seeking a smaller, accessible property but do not require the extra levels of care and support that is often provided in retirement, sheltered or extra care housing.

To find Amenity Housing in the East Lothian area, visit the Elderly Accommodation Counsel's website.


3. Sheltered housing

Sheltered housing is a type of retirement housing run by the council. Sheltered Housing Complexes can be found at:

  • Brunton Court Sheltered Housing, North High Street, Musselburgh EH21 6JD. Call 0131 653 5136
  • Mansfield Court Sheltered Housing, Inveresk Road, Musselburgh EH21 7AU. Call 0131 653 5135
  • Well Wynd Sheltered Housing, Loch Square, Tranent EH33 2JY. Call 01875 615756 or 01875 824155

Download our council sheltered housing leaflet

Applying for council sheltered housing

For details of how to apply go to our topic Applying for a Council home.


4. Retirement housing

Retirement housing is aimed at older residents. With some exceptions, it offers independent, self-contained homes with their own front door. There are many different types of retirement housing, in the private or public sector, with houses available to rent or to buy. There is normally a scheme manager or warden, and alarm systems provide emergency contact to allow residents to summon help. Facilities usually provided include:

  • Residents' lounges, for meeting and social activities
  • Guest room(s) for visitors (generally at a small charge)
  • Laundry room(s): the cost of washers and dryers is usually included in the rent
  • Some schemes, especially the larger ones, may also have a restaurant
Housing Association schemes

Some housing associations provide specialist housing for older people. Details of how to apply to Housing Associations are in our topic How RSLs allocate housing.

Privately-run retirement housing

Some private companies build or own retirement housing in East Lothian. This can be rented or bought. When bought, it is usually at full market price; however, schemes exist to help older people with limited incomes and some capital who can't afford market prices. As with all retirement housing, there is a minimum age for residents, which is usually around 55 or 60 (although this age restriction doesn't apply to purchasers).

To see a complete list of all schemes in East Lothian, go to the Elderly Accommodation Counsel's website.


5. Extra care housing

New forms of sheltered housing and retirement housing have been pioneered in recent years, to cater for older people who are becoming frailer and less able to do everything for themselves. These are known as extra care, very sheltered or assisted living developments (or schemes). Most properties in these schemes will suit less mobile people and wheelchair users, and bathrooms particularly will be designed to make it easier for assistance to be offered. Schemes usually have their own care staff and provide one or more meals each day, if required.

Location of schemes

There is an extra care scheme run by Bield Housing at Johnny Moat Place, Prestonpans EH32 9JD. For more details, please go to the Bield Housing website.


Abbeyfield Scotland offers meals and supported housing to people who living in a small retirement property. More information is available about Abbeyfield in Haddington and North Berwick on their website. 


6. Residential Care Homes

Information about care homes in East Lothian is available from the Council's Adult Wellbeing service.