Noise nuisance
The Environmental Health team have a responsibility for investigating most types of noise problems from a range of sources such as:
- Loud music from commercial premises
- Construction
- Commercial process noise
- Alarms
- Animals
- Fireworks
- Antisocial Behaviour
Some forms of Antisocial Behaviour is dealt with by the council’s Safer Communities team such as noisy neighbours.
Evaluating Noise Nuisance
In order to proceed with formal action, the service must be of the opinion that either substantial personal discomfort or a health effect exists or is likely to occur or recur. Eight key issues are considered when evaluating nuisance:
- Impact
- Locality
- Time
- Frequency
- Duration
- Convention
- Importance
- Avoidability
Night Time Noise
For domestic noise problems (e.g. noisy parties, DIY activities, noisy neighbours), the council works in partnership with its Safer Communities Team and Police Scotland to provide a night time noise team to respond to complaints outwith office hours.
Private Actions using the Environmental Protection Act 1990
It is possible to take a private action under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. You may wish to consider taking legal advice before proceeding. If you wish to proceed you should contact the Sheriff Court.