Aberlady Bay Local Nature Reserve


Aberlady Bay was the first site to be designated as a Local Nature Reserve in the UK, back in 1952. It boasts an amazing variety of habitats from the sea to woodland; through saltmarsh, sand dunes and scrub. These are all moulded and shaped by nature, largely away from the influence of people. The main path leads visitors around the site, past all the different habitats, and away from important refuge areas for wildlife.

Dogs are not allowed on the nature reserve due to the potential for disturbing nesting and roosting birds, and other wildlife.

Natural history

A wide array of wildflowers, reflecting the accompanying coastal habitats, can be found at Aberlady Bay, including many locally rare species. In turn these support a wide variety of invertebrate life.

The birds associated with Aberlady Bay are equally diverse and reflect the changes in the season. In autumn, the site can play host to over 30,000 pink-footed geese, who come here from Iceland to roost and feed locally, before moving on later in the winter. Many migrants arrive in the spring and summer from southern Europe and Africa - to take advantage of the abundance of invertebrate life on which to rear their young. Sedge warblers, whitethroats and blackcaps all nest on site, together with a few species of wading bird, including redshank and ringed plover.


Read about wildfowling and apply for a permit online.

How to get there

By bus

East Coast Buses operate services that passes by the Nature Reserve, you can ask to be dropped off nearby.

By car

A small car park is located just off the A198 to the East of Aberlady village.

Parking charges

Parking charges may apply to coastal car parks.

By bicycle

The A198 passes along the South of the Nature Reserve. Within the Reserve, tracks are mostly sandy and not ideal for cycling.
