Record details

Prestonpans Library
West Loan, Prestonpans, East Lothian
EH32 9NX
01620 827 827
Opening Times

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Wednesday 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Saturday 10am to 1pm

Please note: Prestonpans Library will close at 4pm on Wednesday 19 March 2025 to allow the staff team to attend a meeting. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Click and Collect service

Borrowers are able to order specific titles or a selection of items up to a maximum of six per person and collect them from the library. Complete the click and collect form or contact the library direct on:

Use the Click and Collect service

Blue badges

Apply or renew online at If you need assistance to apply for or renew a Blue Badge please telephone 01620 827827 (ask for Prestonpans Library) to make an appointment with one of our staff.


Warm Spaces, Friendly Faces
Cosy seating area, hot drinks available, charging sockets, free menstrual products, food bank across the street, newspaper, free Wifi, laptop space, jigsaws and puzzles
Library Catalogue
Regular Events
  • Adult Craft Group - every Monday from 11am to 12:30pm - bring a drink and your own craft to work on in the company of likeminded others
  • Cancer Support Group - last Monday of every month at 11am
  • Bookbug sessions (for under 5's) - Thursdays at 11am (Read and Rhyme: Saturdays at 10:30am)
  • Dungeons and Dragons - every Saturday from 11:15am to 12:45pm.
  • Lego Club - every Tuesday from 3:15pm to 3:45pm. 
  • Pans Pals (group for people over 60's) - monthly on a Wednesday from 10:30am to 12pm 
  • PlayJam - open play sessions every Friday from 2pm to 5pm

Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a responsible person (14+), other than library staff, at all times, including during events and activities. This is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in the library. Due to the multiple demands on staff time and attention, library staff are not able to supervise children in the library. The library is a public space that may be accessed by anyone, and children and young people under the age of 18 remain the responsibility of their legal guardian while on library premises. We will be consulting children and young people and their families on our Library Charter early in 2025, if you wish to participate, please contact

Facilities and Services
  • Click and Collect Service
  • Benefits/ Universal credit enquiries
  • Coastal car parking payments
  • Council tax enquiries
  • Disabled access and toilet
  • Display and exhibition area- display boards can be pre-booked by local groups
  • Doggy bags
  • Free hearing aid batteries given out to those with NHS hearing aids - bring in the yellow audiology record book
  • Freephone for accessing other Council services
  • Free Wi-Fi / Internet access
  • Meeting room (available to hire)
  • Payments (e.g. council tax, council house rent)
  • Public access computers and colour printer (A4 & A3)
  • Photocopier/Scanner (colour/black and white) and Lamination
  • Recycling box covers
  • Rent income enquiries
  • Stamping Station for John Muir Way Passports
  • Study space
  • Tourist information
  • Waste service enquiries
Location Map